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Tosa's Voices

Jul 25, 2023

Join us in this informative episode as we delve into the City of Wauwatosa's comprehensive plan. Discover how this visionary roadmap shapes the city's future, addressing development, infrastructure, and community needs. Bookmark to learn how you can participate.

May 15, 2023

Join us for an inspiring episode as we delve into the heart of Wauwatosa's most magnificent 4th of July parade, afternoon program, and fireworks show. In this special edition, we sit down with two dedicated event organizers who share their personal stories of civic involvement and passion for organizing this...

Mar 13, 2023

We’re talking to Jen Ferguson, the city’s economic development manager, who’s going to tell us about housing in Wauwatosa. We'll focus on facts and figures. Specifically, a recent housing study about Wauwatosa.

Later in the episode, we’ll talk with members of the volunteer housing coalition and learn about their...

Feb 28, 2023

 In this episode, we will be exploring three fascinating stories that illustrate the critical role that public health plays in our lives. The topics? HALO kits to address substance use, a sensory clinic for a better patient experience, and social work services in Wauwatosa.

Jan 3, 2023

We believe that overdue fines are a barrier to accessing books, media, and information at the library. Two library staff members describe the reasoning to eliminate fines and the specifics of what this means for your library materials.